Sunny Office opened, free advisory support for citizens about solar (photovoltaic) power plants installation

Porec Sunny Office

Porec Sunny Office

Porec Sunny Office

Porec HR

On Friday, February 3, 2023, the “Porec Sunny Office” opened its doors to citizens.

“Porec Sunny Office” represents a place where citizens, with prior notice, will be able to book an appointment, and receive advisory support related to the possibility of using solar energy through their own Solar (photovoltaic) power plant. - By opening the Sunny Office, The Town of Porec-Parenzo has provided all its citizens with a place where they can, completely free of charge, get basic information and answers to the questions: What is a solar (PV) power plant and how does it work? What documents and steps are needed for the installation of a solar (PV) power plant and where to start? What conditions must be met for someone to install their own solar (PV) power plant? How to determine the required power of the power plant? Which national authorities and institutions publish tenders for co-financing solar (PV) power plants?


“These are some of the questions that trouble all those who want to set up their own solar (PV) power plant, and Town of Porec-Parenzo is the first city to open the Sunny Office and provide such a service to its citizens", said Gordana Lalic, the CEO of the Municipal Company “Parentium d.o.o.”, which has the role of coordinator in the project implementation.


“During many conversations with citizens on this topic, many drew my attention to the fact that, when it comes to installing their own solar system, they don't know where to start. For this reason, “Porec Sunny Office”, provides them a place where they can get advice and technical support to take further steps. Town of Porec-Parenzo, as a unit of local authority, has been active in terms of such projects for many years – we have eight solar (PV) power plants on public buildings which have produced over a million kWh since their installation, there is also our electric mini bus, communal electric vehicles, charging stations and numerous other projects that we were among the first ones to implement, so this is a logical step forward”, said Loris Persuric, the Mayor of Porec-Parenzo.


The “Porec Sunny Office” is located at Pionirska 1, second floor. The working hours for citizens will be On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 08:00 to 11:00, and on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 15:00, with mandatory appointment registration by e-mail:


“Porec Sunny office” is one of the activities in the "Balkan Solar Roofs" project implementation, funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The total value of the project is €442.294,00, while the budget of the Town of Porec-Parenzo is €90.574,60 with a co-financing intensity of 90%.