Educational workshop for citizens on the topic: "How to get your own Solar Power Plant?"

Free educational workshop for citizens

Educational workshop for citizens

Educational workshop for citizens

The Porec Sunny office opened its doors to citizens in February, and continues to carry out activities of providing free technical support, educational workshops for citizens and encouraging renewable energy projects development in the area of the City of Porec-Parenzo.

Therefore, the Town of Porec-Parenzo and the Sunny office, in cooperation with the Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ), invite all interested citizens to a free educational workshop on the topic: "How to get your own Solar Power Plant?"

The workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, starting at 6:00 p.m., in the congress hall of the Obrtnicki dom Porec (on the first floor), at Partizanska ulica 5a, 52440 Porec-Parenzo.

The educational workshop is intended for citizens and all those who want to know key information about solar power plants for households, including information related to costs, administrative and technical steps and how to calculate electricity from a solar power plant, but also questions related to installation on residential buildings, and changes in the legal framework that took place in 2023, more beneficial for citizens.

The number of solar power plants in Croatia is rapidly growing, and for good reason. It can reduce the annual electricity costs by up to 85%. At the same time, the same solar power plant maintains its maximum efficiency for 20 years, and can produce electricity long after that. The funds invested in the solar power plant, depending on the amount of savings, are returned in a period of six to eight years without incentives. With incentives, the investment return period can be further accelerated, and almost halved.

Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU), which conducts public calls for solar power plants annual allocation of national incentives, has announced the launch a new public call in the coming months. The publication of tender conditions is announced for the end of 2023, and the applications submission for the first quarter of 2024.  For the stated reason, this is an excellent moment for citizens to be informed about the conditions and process of solar power plants installation, but also to prepare for for public calls applying.

Due to the limited number of places, all those interested to secure their place at the workshops can register by online form:


The educational workshop is part of the "Good Energy - Solar Energy for Energy Transition" activities in which the Town of Porec-Parenzo and Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ) are one of the project partners. The project "Good energy - Solar Energy for Energy Transition" is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 with the national co-funding of the Republic of Croatia in the amount of 1.1 million EUR in grants under the "Energy and Climate Change" Program.