Pirot and the Sun join forces



1232 (km2) Area
49894 Population
22 Powerplants
346 (kWp) Total power
€ 294936 Saved so far
206 Roof equivalents

Why have we joined the Balkan Solar Roofs Campaign?

The city of Pirot joined the Balkan Solar Roofs campaign in order to connect with cities from the region that, like Pirot, are committed to using solar energy. In this way, we will have the opportunity to exchange experiences, gain new knowledge about the use of this renewable energy source, and learn about the results of other cities and municipalities in this area and the ways in which they were achieved.
Bearing in mind that Pirot continuously implements activities to create a sustainable model, which can be applied in other areas of renewable energy sources, as well as in most all segments of the functioning of local communities, we saw this project as a chance to improve this model.

What are our ambitions in terms of energy and climate?

The ambitions of Pirot are to turn from a city in the center of the Balkans into a city in the South-East of Europe, which will make maximum use of its local resources, taking into account the protection of the environment, and wishing that all our citizens will have access to energy produced from renewable energy sources.
In the desire to continue to be an example of positive practice, a place to live tailored to the needs of our citizens, in all segments, and based above all on preserving a healthy environment while using all natural potential, reducing the consequences of climate change, as well as improving energy efficiency.
Pirot is also recognized as a good place for European investments, and until now it has implemented a whole series of projects with partners from the European Union, so participation in this project was a logical continuation of the further adoption of values from European partners who have greater knowledge and experience.

What are our strengths to turn these ambitions into reality?

The use of a favorable geographical location, in the extreme south of the Republic of Serbia, with a large number of sunny days, extensive previous experience in the implementation of a number of projects in the field of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, as well as a clear vision and goal and a realistic assessment, desire, need and possibilities are strengths that the city of Pirot has and which, we hope, will contribute to turning our ambitions into reality.

Interesting facts

Average insolation
5.2 hours/day
Renewable energy generated
3 GWh
CO2 savings so far
1.885 kT CO2
Financial savings so far
€ 294936
Roof equivalents
Private: 25 | Public: 181
Photovoltaic: 77 | Thermal: 129
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