


1530 (km2) Area
63030 Population
5 Powerplants
77 (kWp) Total power
€ 14396 Saved so far
16 Roof equivalents

Why have we joined the Balkan Solar Roofs Campaign?

Through this initiative, the city of Kraljevo will be able to contribute to the energy transition, in the process of which companies (industrial zones that this city owns) and then individuals (households) must enter. The developed infrastructure of this city, as well as the geographical location and business environment enable a fair energy transition. Through this campaign, the city of Kraljevo will be recognized as a good potential for energy efficiency and environmental protection.

What are our ambitions in terms of energy and climate?

The ambitions that the City of Kraljevo wants to achieve in the future are: ensuring the conditions for improving energy efficiency in the performance of energy activities and energy consumption; creation of economic, economic and financial conditions for increasing the share of energy from renewable sources, as well as for the combined production of electricity and thermal energy; creation of institutional, financial and technical assumptions for the use of new energy sources; improvement of the state and system of environmental protection in all areas of energy activities; establishment of more favorable legal, institutional and logistical conditions for more dynamic investment in energy.

What are our strengths to turn these ambitions into reality?

The city of Kraljevo has great advantages in terms of geographical location, developed traffic and road infrastructure (newly built corridor and airport), rich cultural and historical heritage, a large number of protected and preserved natural and cultural assets. This city is the second largest city in Serbia with a high concentration of natural resources (forests, rivers, underground water, mountains, ores, etc.). Therefore, the protection of the environment and the use of these potentials in renewable energy sources is crucial. The city of Kraljevo, in cooperation with the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia, is implementing co-financing of energy efficiency measures in family houses and apartments for the third year in a row. In addition to family houses, solar panels are also installed in public institutions. Kraljevo plans to continue the trend of increasing citizens' awareness of environmental protection and renewable energy sources.

Interesting facts

Average insolation
Renewable energy generated
165 MWh
CO2 savings so far
92.000 T CO2
Financial savings so far
€ 14396
Roof equivalents
Private: 4 | Public: 12
Photovoltaic: 16 | Thermal: 0
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