


141 (km2) Area
10162 Population
1 Powerplants
5 (kWp) Total power
€ 810 Saved so far
2 Roof equivalents

Why have we joined the Balkan Solar Roofs Campaign?

Improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants of the municipality of Batočina through the use of renewable energy sources, which will also contribute to the creation of savings for individual households. Increasing local awareness of the energy transition, which is the goal of the joint strategy of the city of Kragujevac and surrounding municipalities.

What are our ambitions in terms of energy and climate?

This municipality strives to use its natural potential and educated population in the field of environmental protection and energy efficiency. Batočina, which is located next to Kragujevac, strives to create clean and healthy conditions for life and contribute to the development of the entire area of the city of Kragujevac by joint forces with the surrounding smaller municipalities.

What are our strengths to turn these ambitions into reality?

The municipality of Batočina is a small place next to Kragujevac that is rich in natural resources and beauty. Agriculture, industry, crafts, trade, transport, tourism and catering are the main branches of the economy in the municipality of Batocina, but agriculture, in terms of production volume and participation in the total national income, as well as employment of the local population, is still the leading economic branch. Since 2021, the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the municipality of Batočina have been jointly conducting public calls for energy rehabilitation of households, family houses and apartments in order to raise the awareness of residents about energy efficiency (savings that will be achieved) and environmental protection.

Interesting facts

Average insolation
Renewable energy generated
9306.82 kWh
CO2 savings so far
5174.590 kg CO2
Financial savings so far
€ 810
Roof equivalents
Private: 2 | Public: 0
Photovoltaic: 2 | Thermal: 0
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