


481 (km2) Area
35592 Population
6 Powerplants
660038 (kWp) Total power
€ 9117 Saved so far
9 Roof equivalents

Why have we joined the Balkan Solar Roofs Campaign?

By participating in this campaign, the municipality of Kula strives to encourage a sense of responsibility and engagement regarding climate change in Serbia and the region. This small place wants to inspire individuals, communities and policy makers to take concrete steps towards a sustainable and more resilient future for the country.

What are our ambitions in terms of energy and climate?

The municipality of Kula aims to stimulate the use of renewable energy sources by 2028, raise citizens' environmental awareness of RES, and improve the energy efficiency of public facilities. The Municipality of Kula can be an example for other local governments when it comes to investments in the energy efficiency of public buildings and support for citizens, because the total investments of the Ministry and the Municipality of Kula in the last three years amount to 27.6 million dinars and include both the energy rehabilitation of public buildings and and continuous support to households.

What are our strengths to turn these ambitions into reality?

The first Energy Info Center was opened in Kula, where citizens will be able to get information about energy efficiency, measures that can be taken in order to reduce energy waste as much as possible, as well as subsidies offered by the state to increase energy efficiency in family houses and apartments. The energy info center in Kula can be an example of good practice for other municipalities in Serbia, because citizens will be able to get all the information and answers in one place about the possible savings, which measures are best for their household, which procedures they need to go through in order to receive subsidies given by the state, municipality or international organizations, how that investment can be repaid from the savings they achieve, or how they can produce energy for their own household.

Interesting facts

Average insolation
Renewable energy generated
105 MWh
CO2 savings so far
58.266 T CO2
Financial savings so far
€ 9117
Roof equivalents
Private: 5 | Public: 4
Photovoltaic: 9 | Thermal: 0
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