


636 (km2) Area
72489 Population
5 Powerplants
18 (kWp) Total power
€ 3726 Saved so far
5 Roof equivalents

Why have we joined the Balkan Solar Roofs Campaign?

The city of Čačak joined the association of energy cities and municipalities of Europe - ENERGY CITIES and is the founder of the Zero Emission Network in Serbia. According to the performed analyses, the city of Čačak can improve its energy balance by increasing energy efficiency in buildings, traffic and the economy, and in access to energy from renewable sources - biomass, solar energy, hydropower and geothermal energy.

What are our ambitions in terms of energy and climate?

Improving energy efficiency in order to reduce energy consumption, reduce import dependence, mitigate the negative impact of the energy sector on the environment, increase the competitiveness of the industry and improve the standard of citizens. The city of Čačak has an extremely developed sector of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are large consumers of energy, which represents a great potential, bearing in mind that solar energy is a very flexible energy technology. Greater energy independence and security are an exceptional potential for all our fellow citizens in times when we often face energy crises.

What are our strengths to turn these ambitions into reality?

In the budget of the city of Čačak for the year 2023, in addition to the financial support of the MRE, funds are also provided from the budget for the co-financing of energy rehabilitation of family houses and apartments by replacing facade carpentry, replacing the building's thermal envelope, replacing the existing space heater (boilers) with a more efficient one, installing heat pumps and installing solar panels for the production of electricity for own needs. The city of Čačak has employees who work with special attention to improve energy efficiency on the territory of the city. The goal of the City is to encourage the use of renewable energy sources, in order to ensure the security of the energy system.

Interesting facts

Average insolation
Renewable energy generated
42829.03 kWh
CO2 savings so far
23.813 T CO2
Financial savings so far
€ 3726
Roof equivalents
Private: 5 | Public: 0
Photovoltaic: 5 | Thermal: 0
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