Great response and interest for the first Sunny info day

First Porec Sunny Info Day

Great response and interest for the first Sunny info day

Great response and interest for the first Sunny info day

Porec HR

Great response and interest from artisans, SMEs, and citizens who participated yesterday in the First Porec Sunny Info Day on the topic "How to get your own solar (photovoltaic) power plant?" organized by the Town of Porec-Parenzo, The Porec Sunny office and the Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ) held in the “Obrtnicki dom”.

Citizens were able to get answers to questions about solar (PV) power plants at the Sunny info stand. In the afternoon, two educational workshops were organized – the first intended for artisans, SMEs, companies and family businesses, and the second one for citizens.

The educational workshops were led by Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ) experts in the field of solar energy use, with the aim of providing citizens with basic information about possibility of using solar energy through their own solar (PV) power plant. Both workshops were held in a highly interactive tone, and citizens were given answers to many questions asked: What is a solar (PV) power plant and how does it work? What documents and steps are needed for the installation of a solar (PV) power plant and where to start? What are the conditions required and where to start? How to determine the required power of the solar (PV) plant? Which national authorities and institutions publish tenders for co-financing solar (PV) power plants?

“The participation and interest of the citizens in the Sunny info stand and educational workshops was excellent. Positive reviews from all participants further emphasized the motivation, but at the same time warned of the urgent need to establish technical support from Cities and Municipalities for citizens, when it comes to the installing process of their own solar (PV) power plant. Town of Porec-Parenzo recognized this need and, by opening the Sunny office, provided citizens with another set of high “green” standards”, said Gordana Lalic, the CEO of the Municipal Company “Parentium d.o.o.”, which has the role of coordinator in the project implementation.

Sunny info day is only the first in a series of similar events, which will be led by the Porec Sunny office, in order to provide its citizens with free support and assistance in the installation of solar (PV) power plants, especially in times when energy prices are continuously rising.


The “Porec Sunny Office” is located at Pionirska 1, second floor. The working hours for citizens will be On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 08:00 to 11:00, and on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 15:00, with mandatory appointment registration by e-mail:


“Porec Sunny office” is one of the activities in the "Balkan Solar Roofs" project implementation, funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The Town of Porec-Parenzo is implementing the project in cooperation with Energy Cities, REIC (Sarajevo), the Town of Mostar (BiH) and the Town of Kragujevac (SRB).